Gali Bumilan Inovasi untuk Mengatasi Anemia Pada Ibu Hamil
Penyuluhan, Anemia, Ibu HamilAbstract
Anemia is one of the risks of pregnancy that can cause high maternal and infant mortality rates. Anemia in pregnant women has an effect on not optimal growth and development of the fetus and can even cause complications related to pregnancy and childbirth such as postpartum hemorrhage. Based on data in Ngrumpul Village, Jogotroto District, up to May 2023, 59% of pregnant women with anemia were found, namely 10 pregnant women. The purpose of this Community Service Activity is to reduce the incidence of anemia in pregnant women in Ngrumpul Village, Jogoroto District, Jombang Regency. The activity was carried out on 31 May – 10 June 2023 involving village midwives, health cadres, and families of pregnant women. The activity was carried out by collecting data on pregnant women and checking Hb levels as well as conducting outreach and counseling about anemia in pregnancy involving the family. Activities are also carried out by conducting home visits to monitor anemia in pregnant women. The results showed that the understanding of pregnant women and their families about anemia has increased. With the Gali Bumilan Innovation, it is hoped that it will be able to obtain the achievement process that has been carried out, and be able to make improvements to programs that have not been able to run well. in the work area of Ngrumpul Village, Jogoroto District, Jombang Regency. It is hoped that this innovation will continue to be carried out by the village and midwives in collaboration with the Mayangan Health Center
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