Proceedings of the National Health Scientific Publication Seminar <p>Proceedings of the National Health Scientific Publication Seminar (SPIKesNas) published by STIKES Karya Husada Kediri in collaboration with the Karya Husada Kediri Nutrition Academy, East Java, Indonesia. We aim to help disseminate scientifically based knowledge so that it can be accessed by the wider community.</p> <p>We hope that every material we present can have a positive impact on the development of knowledge and progress, especially in the health sector which is currently continuing to develop rapidly.</p> <p>This Proceedings is published with a frequency of 4 (four) times every year: August, November, February, and May. This Proceedings contains publications from the results of research and community service related to health topics and has been disseminated orally in seminars and has gone through a review process.</p> STIKES dan AKZI Karya Husada Kediri en-US Proceedings of the National Health Scientific Publication Seminar 2963-1343 COMMUNITY SERVICE MOTHER'S KNOWLEDGE ABOUT GROSS MOTORCYCLE IN CHILDREN AGED 3-5 YEARS IN TUMPUK VILLAGE SAWOO DISTRICT PONOROGO DISTRICT <p><em>Gross motor skills are physical skills that involve the muscles of the body from the fingertips as well as eye and hand coordination. Mothers' knowledge about gross motor skills can be drilled and developed through routine activities and stimulation such as training children to play on bicycles and go up and down stairs. This community service activity is aimed at increasing mothers' knowledge about gross motor skills in children aged 3-5 years in Tumpuk Village, Sawoo District, Ponorogo Regency. The population in this activity were all mothers who had children aged 3-5 years, a total of 250 people. Through purposive sampling techniques, 50 respondents were obtained as samples. Research variable data on maternal knowledge about gross motor skills were taken using a questionnaire. Data analysis uses a percentage formula and the results are presented quantitatively. The results of the activity showed that the majority of mothers' knowledge about gross motor skills from 50 respondents, namely 41 respondents (82%) had good knowledge about gross motor skills in children aged 3-5 years, then 5 respondents (10%) had sufficient knowledge. And 4 respondents (8%) had insufficient knowledge about gross motor skills in children aged 3-5 years. The mother's knowledge about gross motor skills is influenced by several factors, namely previous education, employment, income, number of children, how many children, ever received information, and source of information. It is recommended that respondents always increase their knowledge of gross motor skills in children aged 3-5 years so that children's growth and development can be maximized.</em></p> Dodik Wibowo Enur Nurhayati Muchsin Wahyu Tanoto Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the National Health Scientific Publication Seminar 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 3 2 998 1002 Elementary School Students' Knowledge and Response to Pain After Health Education on Deep Breathing Relaxation Techniques <p><em>Tetanus and diphtheria that infect the children may cause emergency. Children with tetanus and diphtheria may experience respiratory problems and sistemic infections that leading to deathness. Infectious diseases such as tetanus and diphtheria can be prevented by immunization. These are common side effects of immunization, including swelling and pain at the injection area. The aim of this activity is give education about pain management and practice deep breathing techniques so that pain is reduced, relaxed and do not experience trauma. This community service activity uses health education methods regarding post-immunization pain management and deep breathing technique simulation involving 40 students divided into 2 classes. The result of community service activity was the increase of knowledge about pain management and lower level of pain after immunization. The recommendation school was pain measurement should be asses before and after given health education regarding pain management and continue to deliver health education about pain management to all students in elementary school. </em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> immunization, deep breathing, pain. </em></p> Nuraini Hakim Fischa Awalin Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the National Health Scientific Publication Seminar 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 3 2 1003 1008 Development of Regional Potential (Honey) as an Educational Tourism Village Coduzinc (Honey Zinc Cookies) <p><em>Kampung Madu is the Purworejo Hamlet nickname, located in Bringin Village, Badas District, Kediri Regency, East Java Province. The aim of the P2MD program for the Karya Husada Kediri Nutrition Academy Student Senate is to develop the potential of Kampung Madu by creating coduzinc educational tours and creating innovations in honey zinc cookies and being able to develop the potential of Kampung Madu. The methods used in this activity are location surveys, conducting outreach related to plans to develop the potential of the coduzinc educational tourism village, holding training on making coduzinc (honey zinc cookies), holding educational training on rice planting, holding educational training on bee farming, launching an educational tourism village, holding a coloring competition event, holding counseling on PHBS and hand washing, and conducting a test of acceptability of "zinc honey cookies" coduzinc, the results of P2MD activities are creating a honey village as an educational tourism village, producing an innovation based on commodities, increasing knowledge and skills about washing the hands of Dharma Wanita Kindergarten children properly and correctly, and conducting evaluations the acceptability of "CODUZINC" Zinc Honey Cookies among Dharma Wanita Kindergarten Students and conducted a test of the acceptability of coduzinc "zinc honey cookies." At the launching event on October 28, 2023, 102 people attended. On November 18, a coloring competition was held at the Coduzinc educational tourism site which 107 people attended. Based on the launching and competition activities, there was an increase in visitors to the Coduzinc educational tourism village by 5%. At the Dharma Wanita Village Kindergarten. Bringin (85%) children can wash their hands according to the correct steps, Kindergarten students' acceptance of CODUZINC products with a 0% food waste score scale is 50% of toddlers, Kindergarten students' acceptance of CODUZINC products in the good category is 55%.</em></p> Nurul Amelinda Dwi Fatimah Rizka Mar'atus Sholichah Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the National Health Scientific Publication Seminar 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 3 2 1009 1014 The Knowledge of Mother Regarding Sign of Emergencies in Diarrhea and Initial Treatment at Home For Children Under 5 Years of Age <p><em>Almost all age groups are affected by diarrhea, especially children under five years old because they still do not have optimal immune systems. Complications that directly arise from diarrhea are dehydration, loss of fluids and electrolytes, organ damage, and even coma. This research aims to determine the description of mothers' knowledge regarding signs of emergency diarrhea and initial treatment at home for children under five at home. This research design uses descriptive to describe a person's level of knowledge and uses a questionnaire instrument. The research results obtained from 105 respondents showed that 13.3% had poor knowledge, 12.4% had good knowledge, and 74.3% had sufficient knowledge. This explains that the majority of respondents have quite good knowledge about the signs of emergency diarrhea and initial treatment at home. Recommendations for the family are to give oral rehydration solutions to children with diarrhea to prevent dehydration, and for health services to provide regular health education, especially regarding diarrhea and administering oral rehydration solutions at home</em></p> Nuraini Hakim Febriana Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the National Health Scientific Publication Seminar 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 3 2 1015 1020 COUNSELING ON HOW TO WASH YOUR HANDS PROPERLY TO KINDERGARTEN CHILDREN AS AN EFFORT TO IMPROVE CLEAN AND HEALTHY LIVING BEHAVIOR <p><em>In P2MD activities, it created a program to strengthen tourism potential, education, and diversify honey as Coduzinc "Zinc Honey Cookies" in Kampung Madu, Bringin Village, Badas District. Activities in this program are in the form of strengthening the potential of educational tourism by making tourism education in which there will be various educations such as education on making Coduzinc "Zinc Honey Cookies", education on how to grow rice, education on how to raise bees to produce honey and there is also health counseling about washing hands properly. From observations at the opening of coduzinc educational tours, there were still some children who washed their hands in an inappropriate way. Therefore, from these problems, health counseling was carried out about washing hands properly to improve children's knowledge and skills about washing hands</em></p> Putri Renata Salsabella Cucuk Suprihartini Mirthasari Palupi Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the National Health Scientific Publication Seminar 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 3 2 1021 1026 Redata and Planning of Supplementary Feeding Menu (PMT) for Undernourished Toddlers <p><em>To overcome malnutrition that occurs in the toddler age group, it is necessary to organize Recovery Supplementary Feeding (PMT). Supplementary Feeding (PMT) to the target needs to be done correctly according to the recommended consumption rules. Toddler Supplementary Food is nutritional supplementation in the form of additional food in the form of biscuits with special formulations and fortified with vitamins and minerals given to infants and toddlers aged 6-59 months with thin categories. This community service aims to update data on toddlers who have been suspected of suffering from malnutrition. </em><em>The data collection results will be used to plan a PMT menu that is appropriate for his age, both carbohydrate, fat and protein needs. Community service activities are carried out in Paron Village, which is the working area of UPTD Puskesmas Ngasem, Kediri Regency. The community service team consisted of 2 lecturers of the Academy of Nutrition Karya Husada Kediri, and 4 students in semester V. Redata was carried out on 11 malnourished toddlers and the average ideal energy requirement was 1453 kcal. The calculation of energy supply from the PMT menu is on average 145.3 kcal. PMT is planned to be given 2 times a day, then the average weight of one type of PMT is 34.55 gr. The accuracy of the initial data will greatly determine the PMT menu that will be given</em>.</p> Tutut Pujianto Enggar Anggraini Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the National Health Scientific Publication Seminar 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 3 2 1027 1031 EMPOWERING THE STROKE CARE COMMUNITY WITH THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A HOME CARE STROKE CENTER AND HOME CARE STROKE TRAINING IN TRENGGALEK CITY <p>Stroke is a disease with a sudden onset and causes death and disability both in urban and rural areas. The consequences of a stroke in the community include paralysis of the upper and lower limbs, vision problems, difficulty speaking and difficulty swallowing, while the psychological impact that can occur is frustration and irritability which requires treatment after a stroke. Stroke home care services providing nursing care to stroke patients after post-hospital treatment with home care are very much needed by the family. This community service method includes holding Focus Group Discussions with stakeholders and training for stroke home care cadre participants. The offline home care stroke training method, bedside teaching, was very effective in increasing the knowledge and skills of caring for stroke patients among the 12 cadre participants. After the training, 91.6% of the cadre participants' knowledge of skills increased well. From the results of the Focus Group Discussion, the formation of stroke home care is very much needed in the community. form health facilities with permits in accordance with applicable regulations. Empowering the Stroke Care Community in Efforts to Establish Stroke Home Care which is carried out through training is very effective in increasing knowledge and understanding skills in stroke home care care and its establishment and operation requires in the form of health facilities with permits in accordance with applicable regulations.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> Awan Hariyanto Awan Mimik Christiani Rahayu Niningasih Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the National Health Scientific Publication Seminar 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 3 2 1032 1037 Critical Point Cookies Madu Zinc “Coduzinc” Dalam Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) <p><em>The innovation created by the Student Senate of the Karya Huasada Kediri Nutrition Academy as an effort to overcome stunting is by creating the product Coduzinc (Honey Zinc Cookies). To minimize the incidence of food poisoning cases and identify critical points of product danger, it is necessary to have a quality assurance and food safety system for Coduzinc products, one of which is by using HACCP. The aim of this research is to determine the potential hazards and critical control points of Coduzinc products. The type of research carried out was observational research with the research design being descriptive research. The results of this research show that 2 critical points were found in the Coduzinc raw materials, namely powdered milk and eggs. Based on observation activities during the Coduzinc manufacturing process and HACCP assessment, it can be concluded that the results of identifying potential hazards in Coduzinc products show that physical hazards are the most common potential hazards.</em></p> Lailatul Oktavia Tutut Pujianto Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the National Health Scientific Publication Seminar 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 3 2 1038 1046 Differences in Leukocytes and Body Temperature in Haemorrhagic and Non-Haemorrhagic Stroke Patients <p>A stroke can have a physical and psychological impact, as well as infection due to blockage or rupture of blood vessels which can affect the body's immune system. The body's immune system that can be influenced by infection includes leukocytes and body temperature. This research method uses non-experimental correlational-cross-sectional. The population of this study is all adult patients who have had a stroke and are hospitalized in the stroke unit of the Regional Hospital. Dr. Soedomo Trenggalek with a sample size of 30 respondents met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Normality test data analysis using Kolmogorov Smirnov, bivariate analysis of unpaired groups using the Man-Whitney test with a significance level ≤ 0.05. The results showed that there was no significant difference in leukocyte values ​​between hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic stroke patients (p) 0.902 &gt; 0.05 and no significant difference in body temperature (p) 0.512 &gt; 0.05 between hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic stroke patients. This study concludes that in hemorrhagic stroke patients and hemorrhagic stroke, there is no significant difference in the value of the infectious immune system in terms of the results of blood leukocyte examination and body temperature.</p> Awan Hariyanto Awan Dewi Wulandari Ixora Mimik Copyright (c) 2024 Proceedings of the National Health Scientific Publication Seminar 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 3 2 1047 1052